We are a family investment office that You can invest alongside
Welcome To Hvidtsted & Partners' website
Care to know more about investing your money alongside ours?
We facilitate investments in publicly listed stocks and private equity to attain attractive returns at reasonable costs. You can read more on the About page.
Care to develop your business together with us?
We are educated and experienced in commercializing innovation: Strategizing, team formation, patenting, financing, and more. E-mail us.
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LBO in progress
We are seeking investment partners for the acquisition of a Western publicly traded energy company with undervalued assets co-owned by several blue-chip companies. Conservative estimate
Flexion Mobile a buy. EU opening up Apple’s closed Ecosystem.
EU opens up Flexion Mobile’s market potential, creating downside protection. Flexion Mobile listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange is the benefactor of positive news from
Philosophy & Process
Investing is about finding the best possible investor returns with the least risk of losing the initial money put in, and then compounding returns in
We conducted research to invest our money in a few promising companies
We invite you to join us.
Below is an overview. Should You have any questions, please reach out:
- Overview
- Started August 2020
- Registered with the Danish Financial Authorities. ID: 24879
- Concentrated portfolio of fundamentally researched high conviction, attractive risk/reward positions.
- 7-20 non-equal weighted positions.
- Ability to short the market to protect funds in overpriced markets.
- 1% fixed fee and 15% performance fee above a High-Water Mark.
- Minimum investment dictated by regulation: 750.000 DKK.
- Two ways to exit: 1) Another investor can at any time buy your shares, provided they agree to the shareholder agreement you did, or 2) Initial 2-year lock-up on exchanging your shares with the fund for money, and then subsequently 6 month redemption periods.
- Requirement of Anti-Money-Laundering-, and MIFID compliance.
- Philosophy & Process
We spent the time to write out an overview of our Philosphy & Process.
Among many aspects, it describes:
– Why we have a lock-up on shares for the common good.
– Why we have the ability to short, but use it with caution.
– Why we do not use a lot of diversification.
– Why we can sleep well at night, knowing we did good research, which will yield satisfying results over time.
You can find the blogpost by clicking the button below:
- Investment Manager
Peter Hvidtsted is Hvidtsted & Partners Investment Manager.
Peter holds a Bachelor- and Masters degree from Copenhagen Business School.
A BSc in Business Administration & Sociology, and a Cand.Merc.MIB in Management of Innovation & Business Development.
Understanding people, innovation and business enables estimations of future earnings, which determines future stock prices. Peter has 10+ years of experience in the marketplace, and +6 years working at investment management firms.
Peter is aided by a board of directors, and an informal advisory board, both of which support optimal investment decisions, and money management to be ethically correct.
Investment Manager Peter Hvidtsted